Pavement, 2002

floor sculpture

The piece was conceived as a pavement for the group show "urban Scale" at The Prenelle Gallery in London on April 2002 and took the form of a platform and a path for an outdoors installation at Campers Sand, Kent, England, on May 2002. The 45 slabs, measuring 45x45 cm each, were made of herculite plaster,  a material chosen precisely for its ability to wear off, thus being more sensible to the traces left by the weather. Many of the slabs incorporated inscriptions from architectural plans and maps, fossil, imprints, organic textures and small objects. Walking on them was like walking on condensed fragments of history and geography. The installation was also a kind of stage, set in a heterotopia -the ship-, in an area of ​​London (Isle of Dogs) whose history had been literally deleted.




